Truck Drivers Face Risk During COVID-19

Truck Drivers Face Risk During COVID-19
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Truck drivers are facing new challenges as COVID-19 sweeps the nation. As we near over 1 million cases in the US, truck drivers are facing a harder time, but there is a silver lining.

Truck Drivers Face Getting Sick.

While they might be the only ones moving from city to city during this time, they have a higher risk than most of contracting COVID-19. This creates unease for many.

In some circumstances, if a trucker gets sick, they are told to self-isolate in their cabins. For three days a driver needs to be in their cab. Issues stem from his due to no bathroom and limited rest areas to stay put. If the driver’s conditions worsen then they must seek the closest medical help.

This has been problematic for many drivers. Many have families waiting for them at home and their already long times away from them have the potential to be drastically longer.

Rest Stops and Bathrooms Are Limited

Due to public closings across the country, many are without the proper necessities to adequately help themselves. From lacking hand sanitizer to sold-out wet wipes, truckers are hitting almost every hot spot in the country with little to no protection.

On top of that, they are currently driving upwards of 14+ hours a day to keep up with not only the lack of drivers, but the high demand of supplies. Drivers know that they are on the front lines of this disease and are showing their frustration.

Hazard Pay Finally Reaches Drivers

For a while, the trucking industry has taken a hit on all fronts. From the lack of drivers to the increasing demand and long hours, many have been left without any extra severance of hazard pay. Until now. The results have been enough to keep them on the road.

Getting sick will cost time away from work as well as time away from families. Steps are currently in the process to ensure the safety of drivers.

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