Stay Protected with Cargo Insurance

Stay Protected with Cargo Insurance
Keep all goods safe with us today!
  • Post category:Blog

With your trucking company, do you ever transport or ship goods or cargo of any kind? Make sure you keep this cargo protected by signing up for cargo insurance today! When your business is focused on shipping goods, if something happens one time to the goods and you are not properly enrolled in a cargo insurance policy, your business could be ruined. You want to make sure you keep all goods safe and protected to protect your own products if that’s what is shipped or keep your client’s goods safe to make sure you have returning business.

Cargo insurance is beneficial and necessary to any cargo shipper, whether they are for hire or work with a major shipping conglomerate.

In case of an accident that affects your cargo, whether it be stolen, stuck in a storm, or just a regular accident, cargo insurance keeps your haul safe. External issues pose serious threats to hauling companies all the time, but that does not mean you should have to risk your business with it!

When you enroll in a cargo insurance policy, we do not care what caused damage to your cargo. We just prioritize you, your goods, and your protection. With our coverage options, you are covered no matter what. We may need details of what happened just for documentation purposes, but that does not ever affect your coverage!

It is important to know that if you haul anything that qualifies as dangerous goods, there is a different kind of cargo insurance you will need.

What qualifies as dangerous goods you might ask? Dangerous goods are hazmat goods such as liquids, toxic gases, and other things along this line. If you are not sure which type of policy you would need, you can always call us, and we can discuss what cargo you carry and what options are available to you and best for you.

Our coverage plans do not end with cargo insurance! We offer liability insurance, collision insurance, garage keepers insurance, and so many more! Specific plan packages are available depending on what type of truck you operate as well.

We put your and your truck’s needs above all else! We work hard to make sure you stay protected as you go about your regular business operations.

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