Do you ever figure something in the future might hurt you later? Give you an example; I have a table in my room that has honestly been a real pain in the rear. Initially, I picked it up off the street with the intention to clean it, drape a blanket over it and maybe invite some friends over to play cards. What I didn’t realize, is how easy it would be to bump into it in my small room. What ended up happening was my toe stubbing itself against the edge of the table. I don’t want to get graphic here, but let’s just say it got messy and I needed some Band-Aids. Anyway, I imagine that the trucking community is going to feel a little sore about the surface level tension that can occur with the semiconductor shortage that is occurring.
So What’s The Deal With Semiconductor Creators?
Well, Ford had a plant close down in Louisville, Kentucky, due to a shortage. And the shortage was due to the corona virus. And the corona virus was due to ignorance. So on an so forth.
But as it stands right now, there aren’t any truck manufacturers that are experiencing immediate problems. The shortage occurred to semiconductor plants when the pandemic forced shutdowns during the early stages and ages.
There is hope that supply chain centers should be fully operational by April or May.
Borsch, for instance, is doing everything it can to supply their technological components to car and truck makers, while refusing to give names of customers specifically. Perhaps it’s saving face. Anyhow, they’re running limited supplies of integrated circuits, application-specific ones and microcontrollers as well.
Popular engine maker Cummins Inc. has also been working around the clock, addressing uncertainty during these short times. What a tragic time for Semiconductor makers. Luckily, Volvo, Daimler and PACCAR are among the many being vigilant for any glitches in the matrix, so to speak.