Do You Need an MC Number?

Do You Need an MC Number?
If you have an MC Number, it should be displayed clearly like this.
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Whether you are a new or experienced truck driver, you are likely aware of the fact that there are several filings you are required to have in order to legally operate on public roads. Not every truck driver is required to have every permit and filing on their file; however, there is a strong likelihood that you are required to have a few different ones at least. One permit that you may just be required to have is the Motor Carrier Number, or more commonly referred to as an MC Number. This filing, formerly known as the ICC Number, is required for pretty much any driver who operates interstate. If you do interstate business, let’s find out if you need an MC Number!

Do You Meet the Criteria for an MC Number?

To put it simply, if you do any interstate transportation, such as transporting passengers, cargo, or federally regulated items, you must have an MC number. As a reminder, interstate business is when you cross state lines. This means if you do not do interstate business, that is if you remain in the state in which you are registered for all business operations, you are considered intrastate and do not need an MC number.

Are There Any Exceptions?

There are a few exceptions where you might not need an MC Number despite meeting some criteria. These include:

  1. Private Carriers: If you transport only your own cargo and do not offer services to other businesses or individuals, you fall into this category. Private carriers do not need an MC Number.
  2. Non-Federally Regulated Cargo: If you are a for-hire carrier but only handle cargo that is not subject to federal regulations, you are exempt from needing an MC Number.
  3. Federal Commercial Zones: If your operations fall within a federally designated commercial zone, you may not be required to have an MC Number. These zones are defined by specific regulations and can impact your authority requirements.

How Do I Get One?

To apply for an MC Number, you need to ensure you have several key items in place:

  1. BOC-3 Filing: This form designates a legal agent for service of process. It must be filed with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) before you can receive your MC Number.
  2. Trucking Insurance: You must have appropriate insurance coverage in place, as mandated by FMCSA regulations.

That means, before you get your MC Number, you should speak with one of our agents today and enroll in the perfect trucking insurance policy for you and your company!

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