Carbon Footprint Of The Trucking Culture And How It Has Changed

Carbon Footprint Of The Trucking Culture And How It Has Changed
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According to anyone who has ever been smart ever, a carbon footprint, very simply put, is the total amount of greenhouse gases that a person or an entity perhaps has been able to create through daily activities. As has been mentioned by the EPA, such gases have included carbon dioxide, methane, fluorinated gases and nitrous oxide. Another noticeable thing about greenhouse gases is that they’ve been trapping heat up in the atmosphere in order to maintain warmth on the planet, without hopefully not leading to global warming. Such gases are taking thousands of years to evaporate from the atmosphere. Carbon footprint management is very vital at times like theses. The EPA claims that carbon dioxide has made up almost about 81% of greenhouse gases. This can come from the combustion of fossil fuels. So many, such as coal, natural gas, and oil. Back in 2018, there has been an agency which were able to find about 34% of carbon footprint emissions out of transportation. This may include trucks and trucking culture.

Commercial Fleet, which happens to be a trucking consulting group based out of the United Kingdom, were smart enough to make a calculator that would therefore help show a carbon-footprint. Such a tool is able to calculate carbon-dioxide emissions, largely due to fuel consumption. Such mileage, fuel type and average miles per gallon can help anyone and everyone calculate the emissions instantaneously. There have been findings that on average the trucker can driver around 120,000 miles every year. Which in theory should equate to about 6.5 miles per gallon of diesel. Such a finding allows us to understand the carbon footprint in ways we have never been able to understand before.

And that’s great that we’re thinking more conscientiously. But it may take a grander effort than that to just limit the carbon footprint engrained in our minds.

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